A completely free VPN that lets you explore the world without limits

100% free, without any fee

No email registration required

105 countries

100% no logs

Zero limit, unlimited content
Whitehat VPN's global network of servers allows you to bypass censors and access geographically restricted content on websites, social media, and streaming platforms.
Free download and use

Keep your online activities safe from prying eyes
Whitehat VPN hides your real IP address, ensuring that your web data and online activity are safe from prying eyes, so you can browse your favorite websites anonymously and securely.
Free download and use
Why is Whitehat VPN free?
Whitehat VPN pay for your VPN service to freely surf the internet. In return, we would collect your leisure bandwidth to search the public web information, without any bother to your usage. Don't worry, the whole process is harmless.
Free download and use

Is the Whitehat vpn secure?
Yes, white hat VPNS are secure. First, Whitehat vpn is available on the google play store after a rigorous real-name authentication and vetting process. Plus, Whitehat VPN has no logging, no privacy/data collection, and doesn't require any personal information (email, phone numbers, and credit/debit cards). A lot of malware is collecting users' browsing history, identity information, and we don't have that because we don't need any registration. The server does not have any user information. Whitehat vpn does not steal user account information because it is of no value to us. Most user information theft is caused by some illegal plug-ins.
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Whitehat VPN Security Proxy
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Whitehat VPN Sharing project
Share Whitehat VPN with your friends and Earn up to $5
Join the Whitehat VPN Sharing program and start making money by sending it to friends from Youtube,Facebook and other media.
Why choose Whitehat VPN?

100% free
Whitehat is 100% free, without any fee

Simple and easy to use
You don't need email or registration, just open it after installation and you can use it.

No-logs policy
For your privacy and security, we do not track or store your browsing history, traffic destination, data content, or DNS logs.

Quick Access to
Unlimited bandwidth, free exploration,enjoy a premium online experience,preventing lag and delays.

Anonymous browsing
The Whitehat VPN prevents your ISP and the government from spying on you and the websites you visit to identify and track you, keeping your Internet world secure and private and allowing you to enjoy truly private browsing.

24/7 customer support
Can't access the website? Or cannot connect to WhitehatVPN? Don't worry. We can help you out. Feel free to contact us via email or live chat.
Ultra-fast Servers In 105 Countries
For your privacy and security, we do not track or store your browing history, traffic destinations, data content, or DNS log.
Whitehat VPN is whitelisted by
major antivirus engines such as

Ensure Customer Satisfaction
We promise Whitehat VPN is always free and provide a comprehensive customer satisfaction guarantee. If you have any reason to be dissatisfied with your experience, please let us know and we will do what we can to change it!

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User Agreement
Contact us
Email: contact@WhiteHatVPN.com
Tel: +852 4404 8772